
Prompt engineering is a core activity in AI engineering. Braintrust allows you to create prompts, test them out in the playground, use them in your code, update them, and track their performance over time. Our goal is to provide a world-class authoring experience in Braintrust, seamlessly, securely, and reliably integrate them into your code, and debug issues as they arise.

Creating a prompt

To create a prompt, visit the prompts tab in a project, and click the "+ Prompt" button. Pick a name and unique slug for your prompt. The slug is an immutable identifier that you can use to reference it in your code. As you change the prompt's name, description, or contents, its slug stays constant.

Create a prompt

Prompts can use mustache templating syntax to refer to variables. These variables are substituted automatically in the API, playground, and using the .build() function in your code. More on that below.

Updating a prompt

Each prompt change is versioned, e.g. 5878bd218351fb8e. You can use this identifier to pin a specific version of the prompt in your code.

Update a prompt

You can use this identifier to refer to a specific version of the prompt in your code.

Testing in the playground

While developing a prompt, it can be useful to test it out on real-world data in the Playground. You can open a prompt in the playground, tweak it, and save a new version once you're ready.


Using tools

Most models support tool calling, which allows you to define tools with well-defined input and output types. They are commonly used for two purposes:

  • To enable models to "call" tools that perform external tasks, and then use those results to produce a final response
  • To coerce a model into production structured outputs that match a given JSON schema

Braintrust supports both use cases.

Calling external tools

Braintrust allows you to define custom tools that can be called securely during prompt execution. You can use tools to create simple and composable agents that perform tasks like web-scraping, retrieval augmented generation (RAG), API execution, and much more.

Custom tools use the OpenAI tool calling format which means they are automatically supported by most models including OpenAI, Anthropic, and modern open source LLMs, while following well-established industry standards.

Let's walk through an example. The following tools looks up information about the most recent commit in a Github repository:

import * as braintrust from "braintrust";
import { z } from "zod";
const project = braintrust.projects.create({ name: "github" });{
  handler: async ({ org, repo }: { org: string; repo: string }) => {
    const url = `${org}/${repo}/commits?per_page=1`;
    const response = await fetch(url);
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
    const data = await response.json();
    if (data.length > 0) {
      return data[0];
    } else {
      return null;
  name: "Get latest commit",
  slug: "get-latest-commit",
  description: "Get the latest commit in a repository",
  parameters: z.object({
    org: z.string(),
    repo: z.string(),
  ifExists: "replace",

If you save this file locally to github.ts, you can run

npx braintrust push github.ts

to push the function to Braintrust. Once the command completes, you should see the function listed in the Library's "Tools" tab.

Tool code in library

Currently, tools must be defined in Typescript, but we are working on adding Python support.

To use a tool, simply select it in the "Tools" dropdown. Braintrust will automatically:

  • Include it in the list of available tools to the model
  • Invoke the tool if the model calls it, and append the result to the message history
  • Call the model again with the tool's result as context
  • Continue for up to (default) 5 iterations or until the model produces a non-tool result

Invoke github tool

Coercing a model's output schema

To define a set of tools available to a model, expand the "Tools" dropdown and select the Raw tab. You can enter an array of tool definitions, following the OpenAI tool format.

Raw tools

By default, if a tool is called, Braintrust will return the arguments of the first tool call as a JSON object. If you use the invoke API, you'll receive a JSON object as the result.

Invoke raw tool

If you specify parallel as the mode, then instead of the first tool call's arguments, you'll receive an array of all tool calls including both function names and arguments.

Using prompts in your code

Executing directly

In Braintrust, a prompt is a simple function that can be invoked directly through the SDK and REST API. When invoked, prompt functions leverage the proxy to access a wide range of providers and models with managed secrets, and are automatically traced and logged to your Braintrust project. All functions are fully managed and versioned via the UI and API.

Functions are a broad concept that encompass prompts, code snippets, HTTP endpoints, and more. When using the functions API, you can use a prompt's slug or ID as the function's slug or ID, respectively. To learn more about functions, see the functions reference.

import { invoke } from "braintrust";
async function main() {
  const result = await invoke({
    projectName: "your project name",
    slug: "your prompt slug",
    input: {
      // These variables map to the template parameters in your prompt.
      question: "1+1",

The return value, result, is a string unless you have tool calls, in which case it returns the arguments of the first tool call. In typescript, you can assert this by using the schema argument, which ensures your code matches a particular zod schema:

import { invoke } from "braintrust";
import { z } from "zod";
async function main() {
  const result = await invoke({
    projectName: "your project name",
    slug: "your prompt slug",
    input: {
      question: "1+1",
    schema: z.string(),

Adding extra messages

If you're building a chat app, it's often useful to send back additional messages of context as you gather them. You can provide OpenAI-style messages to the invoke function by adding messages, which are appended to the end of the built-in messages:

import { invoke } from "braintrust";
import { z } from "zod";
async function reflection(question: string) {
  const result = await invoke({
    projectName: "your project name",
    slug: "your prompt slug",
    input: {
    schema: z.string(),
  const reflectionResult = await invoke({
    projectName: "your project name",
    slug: "your prompt slug",
    input: {
    messages: [
      { role: "assistant", content: result },
      { role: "user", content: "Are you sure about that?" },
reflection("What is larger the Moon or the Earth?");


You can also stream results in an easy-to-parse format.

import { invoke } from "braintrust";
async function main() {
  const result = await invoke({
    projectName: "your project name",
    slug: "your prompt slug",
    input: {
      question: "1+1",
    stream: true,
  for await (const chunk of result) {
    // { type: "text_delta", data: "The answer "}
    // { type: "text_delta", data: "is 2"}

Vercel AI SDK

If you're using Next.js and the Vercel AI SDK, you can use the Braintrust adapter by installing the @braintrust/vercel-ai-sdk package and converting the stream to Vercel's format:

import { invoke } from "braintrust";
import { BraintrustAdapter } from "@braintrust/vercel-ai-sdk";
export async function POST(req: Request) {
  const stream = await invoke({
    projectName: "your project name",
    slug: "your prompt slug",
    input: await req.json(),
    stream: true,
  return BraintrustAdapter.toAIStreamResponse(stream);


Any invoke requests you make will be logged using the active logging state, just like a function decorated with @traced or wrapTraced. You can also pass in the parent argument, which is a string that you can derive from span.export() while doing distributed tracing.

Fetching in code

If you'd like to run prompts directly, you can fetch them using the Braintrust SDK. The loadPrompt()/load_prompt() function loads a prompt into a simple format that you can pass along to the OpenAI client. Prompts are cached upon initial load for fast subsequent retrieval operations.

import { OpenAI } from "openai";
import { initLogger, loadPrompt, wrapOpenAI } from "braintrust";
const logger = initLogger({ projectName: "your project name" });
// wrapOpenAI will make sure the client tracks usage of the prompt.
const client = wrapOpenAI(
  new OpenAI({
    apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
async function runPrompt() {
  // Replace with your project name and slug
  const prompt = await loadPrompt({
    projectName: "your project name",
    slug: "your prompt slug",
    defaults: {
      // Parameters to use if not specified
      model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
      temperature: 0.5,
  // Render with parameters
      question: "1+1",

If you need to use another model provider, then you can use the Braintrust proxy to access a wide range of models using the OpenAI format. You can also grab the messages and other parameters directly from the returned object to use a model library of your choice.

Pinning a specific version

To pin a specific version of a prompt, use the loadPrompt()/load_prompt() function with the version identifier.

const prompt = await loadPrompt({
  projectName: "your project name",
  slug: "your prompt slug",
  version: "5878bd218351fb8e",

Pulling prompts locally

You can also download prompts to your local filesystem and ensure a specific version is used via version control. You should use the pull command to:

  • Download prompts to public projects so others can use them
  • Pin your production environment to a specific version without running them through Braintrust on the request path
  • Review changes to prompts in pull requests
$ npx braintrust pull --help
usage: cli.js pull [-h] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--project-name PROJECT_NAME] [--project-id PROJECT_ID] [--id ID] [--slug SLUG] [--version VERSION] [--force]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The directory to output the pulled resources to. If not specified, the current directory is used.
  --project-name PROJECT_NAME
                        The name of the project to pull from. If not specified, all projects are pulled.
  --project-id PROJECT_ID
                        The id of the project to pull from. If not specified, all projects are pulled.
  --id ID               The id of a specific function to pull.
  --slug SLUG           The slug of a specific function to pull.
  --version VERSION     The version to pull. Will pull the latest version of each prompt that is at or before this version.
  --force               Overwrite local files if they have uncommitted changes.

Currently, braintrust pull only supports Typescript.

When you run braintrust pull, you can specify a project name, prompt slug, or version to pull. If you don't specify any of these, all prompts across projects will be pulled into a separate file per project. For example, if you have a project named Summary

$ npx braintrust pull --project-name "Summary"

will generate the following file:

// This file was automatically generated by braintrust pull. You can
// generate it again by running:
//  $ braintrust pull --project-name "Summary"
// Feel free to edit this file manually, but once you do, you should make sure to
// sync your changes with Braintrust by running:
//  $ braintrust push "braintrust/summary.ts"
import braintrust from "braintrust";
const project = braintrust.projects.create({
  name: "Summary",
export const summaryBot = project.prompts.create({
  name: "Summary bot",
  slug: "summary-bot",
  model: "gpt-4o",
  messages: [
    { content: "Summarize the following passage.", role: "system" },
    { content: "{{content}}", role: "user" },

To pin your production environment to a specific version, you can run braintrust pull with the --version flag.

Using a pulled prompt

The prompts.create function generates the same Prompt object as the loadPrompt function. This means you can use a pulled prompt in the same way you would use a normal prompt, e.g. by running and passing the result to call.

Pushing prompts

Just like with tools, you can push prompts to Braintrust using the push command. Simply change the prompt definition, and then run npx braintrust push from the command line. Braintrust automatically generates a new version for each pushed prompt.

$ npx braintrust push braintrust/summary.ts

You can push one or more files or directories to Braintrust. If you specify a directory, all .ts files under that directory are pushed.

Deployment strategies

It is often useful to use different versions of a prompt in different environments. For example, you might want to use the latest version locally and in staging, but pin a specific version in production. This is simple to setup by conditionally passing a version to loadPrompt()/load_prompt() based on the environment.

const prompt = await loadPrompt({
  projectName: "your project name",
  slug: "your prompt slug",
    process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "5878bd218351fb8e" : undefined,

Chat vs. completion format

In Python, returns a dictionary with chat or completion parameters, depending on the prompt type. In Typescript, however, accepts an additional parameter (flavor) to specify the format. This allows to be used in a more type-safe manner. When you specify a flavor, the SDK also validates that the parameters are correct for that format.

const chatParams =
    question: "1+1",
    // This is the default
    flavor: "chat",
const completionParams =
    question: "1+1",
    // Pass "completion" to get completion-shaped parameters
    flavor: "completion",

Opening from traces

When you use a prompt in your code, Braintrust automatically links spans to the prompt used to generate them. This allows you to click to open a span in the playground, and see the prompt that generated it alongside the input variables. You can even test and save a new version of the prompt directly from the playground.

Open from traces

This workflow is very powerful. It effectively allows you to debug, iterate, and publish changes to your prompts directly within Braintrust. And because Braintrust flexibly allows you to load the latest prompt, a specific version, or even a version controlled artifact, you have a lot of control over how these updates propagate into your production systems.

Using the API

The full lifecycle of prompts -- creating, retrieving, modifying, etc. -- can be managed through the REST API. See the API docs for more details.